»Pri Martinovih« Farm Stay


Globočice 8, 8262 Krška vas

»Pri Martinovih« Farm Stay

»Pri Martinovih« Farm Stay

AddressGlobočice 8, 8262 Krška vas
Mobile+386 41 381 271

Their guideline is that the journey "from fork to field" should be as short as possible. Most of the ingredients they use grow right in their fields and gardens. This completes a closed loop – from planting the seed to serving food that is fresh, seasonal, and full of flavors.

They also produce their own wines on the farm, which they serve with their dishes, and tastings are also possible. Their wines Cviček, Iskrivček, Modra dama, and Karakter are included in the collective brand Brežice Selection and can also be purchased in our online store.


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