
Explore the caves at the bottom of the Pannonian Sea

Repnice are one of the features that certainly will not leave you indifferent. We are talking about caves dug into quartz sand, which were used for storing turnips during the winter, when turnips were the main forage for livestock. 

Turnip is called »repa« in Slovene, hence the name. After abandoning these storing methods, the repnice become remnants of past times, while many winemakers converted them into a space for storing and tasting their excellent wines. This provides an opportunity for a truly unique experience by visiting these up to 200-year-old caves in the villages of Brezovica, Bizeljsko, Pišece and Globoko. Some of them are decorated with remarkably interesting  mouldings on the ceilings or walls. They are characterized by an ideal temperature and humidity, which are necessary for the storage and maturation of wines. 


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