Cetin Inn


Mostec 46, 8257 Dobova

Cetin Inn

Cetin Inn

AddressMostec 46, 8257 Dobova
Mobile+386 (0)41 331 744

In the village of Mostec, just a stone's throw from Terme Čatež, from where you can arrive by a ferry boat, friendly staff will serve a good and tasty food in a pleasant atmosphere.

The restaurant is located in the village of Mostec, just a stone's throw away from Terme Čatež. From there, you can reach the restaurant by taking a ferry across the Sava River. The friendly staff will serve you delicious food in a pleasant atmosphere. They offer snacks, lunches, pizzas, fish dishes, and other dishes made to order. The outdoor terrace can accommodate 50 to 60 people at once, while the indoor space can seat 150 to 200 people.

Cetin Inn


Tourist information centre

Tourist information centre
