Beach Bar Tochka


Velike Malence 3, 8262 Krška vas

Beach Bar Tochka

Beach Bar Tochka

AddressVelike Malence 3, 8262 Krška vas
Mobile+386 40 539 505

Picnic areas for minorities in groups were available in a beautiful location along the Krka River in Velika Malenci. There are also street exercise devices or street workouts of the SRC Grič sports polygon. The area is free and open to all. In summer, Tochka Beach Bar offers top quality cocktails and toher drinks, great food,  entertainment and the best vibes! Definitely the best choice for birthdays for all generations, fun with friends, anniversaries, meetings with co-workers. Beach Bar Tochka is open between May and September.

Since its first opening in 2016, Beach Bar Tochka has been offering the opportunity to enjoy river Krka sunsets with a cocktail in hand while the music of Neil Young echoes in the background.

Tochka's Foodwagon takes care of your hunger with its authentic Neapolitan pizzas and BBQ days.

Tochka operates during the summer season, from early May to early September. In addition to drinks and food, visitors can also rent a picnic area, rent canoes for a descent along the Krka river, and enjoy summer concerts on the beautiful beach of Brežice.


Beach Bar Tochka
Beach Bar Tochka
Beach Bar Tochka


Tourist information centre

Tourist information centre
